The Belly Fat Melt Diet

lady fat and thin before and after diet

The Belly Fat Melt Diet

Quite the eye catching phrase isn’t it? First of all, anyone who is even a few pounds overweight has belly fat and would love a belly fat melt diet.

Don’t you wish you could start losing belly weight without going through the deprivation of not having filling and satisfying meals?

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There is a way you can do that. That’s why I’m writing about the no nonsense fat melting system review for you. 

Women who are recently pregnant might look skinny – except for that obvious belly stretch with some fat on it.

Anyone over 40 has started to notice the pounds creeping on their abdomen. But it’s not enough to blindly start cutting back on a few snacks, or start calorie counting.

Even if you were one of those lucky peeps who could “eat anything”. Even kids and teens suffer from obesity at an alarming level.

You can’t turn back time but can you reverse metabolic syndrome?

Yes! With an organized system that doesn’t keep you hungry, tired and weak. That allows you to eat real food in yummy meals and teaches you how to make your weight loss life long.

Sound good?

How To Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

Ted of the “No nonsense” system lays it on without any tiptoeing. He asks you for six minutes of your time if you just click over to his video   AL  (and you can then elect to read his presentation if you prefer).

The premise of his diet recommendations is to teach you how to reverse metabolic syndrome. And personally experience that.

Here is a little intro by him:

Whenever I go to the grocery store, the mall, the movies, the beach…


Seriously, ANYWHERE…

So many people I see these days are disgustingly overweight…

Months or even days away from developing diabetes or other awful health-related issues.

If I’m offending you by saying this, I’m NOT sorry… And I can promise, I’m going to probably piss you off even more if you keep reading…

But if you’re overweight right now… by a little, or a lot… you need to pay close attention because I’m going to share with you one weird, fat melting secret that works practically instantly…

Starting tonight…

To melt away your extra pounds and ugly flab without you having to give up the foods you love, or bust your butt at the gym.

But first, I need to kick some people off this page who do NOT belong here.

What I’m about to share with you is not for dummies…

It’s not for politically-correct wimps and Social Justice Warriors who say “Big Is Beautiful,” and claim you can be healthy and fabulous even though you’re on the verge of dropping dead from obesity…

And this isn’t for people who are too addicted to Facebook and reality TV to

happy couple walking dog

even watch this short video, which may very well change your life in the next few minutes.

So if you’re one of THEM, you can close this page right now…

But I can guarantee, if you do give me just six minutes of your time…

And if you’re NOT some slug who honestly believes you’re being “healthy” by ordering a Diet Coke along with your triple cheeseburger, large fries and apple pie…

Then the one weird fat melting trick I’m about to share with you WILL change your life…

Starting TODAY.”

So exclaims Ted of the No Nonsense Ted educational/diet plan/meal plans/recipes/exercise package.

Our modern diet of processed and chemically and carbohydrate laden foods ruins our metabolism. That results in metabolic syndrome.

What that means is that our energy burning system gets used to converting sugars for energy instead of burning fat for fuel.

obese teen

Foods That Increase Brain Function

Foods that increase brain function are the basis of Ted’s diet. Foods that promote mental clarity and alleviate depression and anxiety.

Foods that reverse obesity and inflammation.

Obesity, and inflammatory conditions like diabetes and metabolic syndrome inevitably follow.

Inflammation leads to:

  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Vascular (veins and arteries) problems
  • Gastrointestinal sensitivity and pain, or IBS
  • Loss of muscle mass and lung capacity (less exercise)
  • Depression and hopelessness

Oh my gosh, see how that spirals downwards?

And tragically children and teenagers are turning into a terribly overweight population. Some with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, from trans fats and artificial sweeteners.

That’s why Ted’s diet plan is good for the whole family. It’s good for growing kids as well as adults because there is no deprivation.

It’s all about fresh healthy foods. Low carbohydrate and high protein food lists. No food group left out.

Foods That Cause Mood Swings

Starches and sugars compromise healthy blood sugar levels and therefore are foods that cause mood swings. Sugars will then give a quick relief to a bad mood, and a cycle of addiction is perpetuated.

Because of this treadmill of craving sugars and starchy foods, the white foods


are eliminated from Ted’s meal plans. (You can read more about that HERE.)  This is the most successful weight loss approach which has proven itself over decades.

White foods are:

  • Sugar (white, brown, raw etc.)
  • Grains (breads, crackers, cookies, pastas etc.)
  • Potatoes
  • Corn, white or yellow

That’s why it is necessary to avoid processed foods. They are all full of white flours, modified starches, potato flour, tapioca and other starchy fillers.

The Dr.’s Eades and Eades and Dr. Robert Atkins have published much material about this healthy eating lifestyle, which will restore damaged metabolism.

More recently Dr. Joseph Mercola published “Fat For Fuel” CLICK on the title to see the book details


More validation that the right fats will help you maintain optimum health.



A Fast Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan

sliced tomato salad

A Fast Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan

Every overweight person trying to lose the belly fat needs a quick weight loss diet plan. Is that your goal? A fast healthy weight loss diet plan?

How about your spouse/partner, parents, or your teen children?

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This blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Other affiliated sites may also be linked to, and all advertising links are marked as AL.

I consider the


No Nonsense Ted


instant download package to be that.

If your child is open to hearing about it, the reason for nutrition is a great education you can share with them. Let them browse through your No Nonsense Ted package.

Foods That Cause Mood Swings

It’s well known that teenagers can be moody while they are growing up. Hormones trying to balance the brain and body, combined with growth spurts can make life frustrating.

Too many carbs, processed foods, and “empty”, or no-nutrition foods can irritate the nervous system and weaken the immune system.

Lack of healthy fats (grass fed meats, wild caught fish, unrefined coconut oil, and pasture fed dairy sources) can starve the brain, the hormones, and damage metabolism for life.

Adults experience this too as they age (except for growth spurts)!

But if you adults, or your teens, experience wild mood swings, periodic

wild mood swings T shirt

depression, fatigue, or anger, you may be able to help yourself, or him or her.

Nutritional deficiencies may be responsible for many symptoms of a lack of wellness.


Mood disorders in children, adolescents, and adults can often be corrected with healthy fresh food.

There is a chain of events that lead to poor nutrition for everyone at this point:

  • Depleted soil caused by no rest period as well as chemical fertilizers
  • Hormone disruptors in the food we buy from pesticides
  • Foods are mineral deficient because the soil is mineral deficient
  • Nutritious food is fresh food
  • Processed foods are full of chemicals that change your brain
  • Your brain, body chemistry and hormones are dazed and confused

How could anyone not have a mood disorder?

Mineral intake is crucial. The mineral magnesium is responsible for thousands

low carb high protein foods
source. High magnesium foods.

of chemical interactions in your biochemistry. A magnesium deficiency needs to be corrected and in most cases a healthy high quality diet will do it.Some magnesium deficiency symptoms that could be related to a mood disorder are:

  • Headaches, including migraine
  • Neck and back aches
  • Panic and anxiety attacks
  • Constipation
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Irritability including PMS
  • Irregular heartbeat

An adolescent (or child, or adult) mood disorder may begin and end with nutrition. Whatever other treatment is available, a diet of healthy and delicious meal plans is bound to help.

The recommended No Nonsense Ted package gives fabulous meal plans and recipes!

Foods That Help Brain Function

Another area of nutrition that affects the brain is the Vitamin B Compound. The B vitamins should be taken together in the compound mix, because a lot of one can create deficiencies, or imbalance in the others.

However, B12 is so inadequately consumed, that a separate supplement can be used. Sublingual, or under the tongue tablets are the easy to take, and they taste good too. B12 is also available in a spray bottle.

Teens live on fast food to a large degree. Is there such a thing as the healthiest

foods that help brain function
source. Doesn’t everyone love peanut butter?

fast food? Well, sort of. A good green (or peanut  butter) smoothie with some protein powder added can be made to taste delicious.

Healthy oils are another factor that influence brain function and therefore mood. Healthy oils that result in enough omega three fatty acids to balance the omega 6 fatty acids that are more prevalent in our diet, also create brain hormones.

These brain hormones manufacture the chemicals that allow us to feel enthusiastic and mentally sharp. In other words, they are mood elevators.

Teens (and adults) who diet too much and try to live on non-fat foods are denying their brains what they need to thrive and grow.

Sugar and caffeine are wonderful mood elevators, but as we all know, there is a quick spike of biochemical activity, and then a crash.

Furthermore, while sugar and caffeine create wild mood swings they

can’t replace real nutrition

Best Diet Meal Plans

Life really doesn’t need to get any harder or crazier in order for you to be healthy. Get the best diet meal plans (included in the Ted package) to make life easier and

low carb high protein tacos
source. Low carb high protein ‘tacos’.

keep you and your family in balance.

Exercise cannot be left out of anyone’s life, and many teens sit down too much. School hours, studying, a social life on the computer or other electronic device, all sitting down.

A problem for all of us perhaps! Yet a growing teen needs exercise to trigger bone growth, in fact all growth. And adults need to challenge major muscle groups in order to preserve their bone density.

If you have a teen who experiences wild mood swings or seems to be depressed, and you don’t feel ready to start the onslaught of tests, or cannot, start him/her on a fast healthy weight loss diet plan. Sneak nutrition into their diets as much as you can.

Here is a video by a doctor, discussing diet, healthy fats and depression.

And please note that if someone is thin, this diet system is full of healthy fats, is designed to restore damaged metabolism, and may help acquire a healthy weight.

There is more information about safe dieting here.

Of course consult your health care practitioner if you have or suspect a medical condition, before you change your diet and exercise routines.





Source of top image.

 Please share your diet stories below! We can all learn from each other.


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