The Belly Fat Melt Diet

lady fat and thin before and after diet

The Belly Fat Melt Diet Quite the eye catching phrase isn’t it? First of all, anyone who is even a few pounds overweight has belly fat and would love a belly fat melt diet. Don’t you wish you could start losing belly weight without going through the deprivation of not having filling and satisfying meals? … Read more

Triglycerides Lowering Foods​

mixed fish plate with onions and peppers

Triglycerides Lowering Foods​ How do you think you would feel if your doctor said to you “You need to start eating triglycerides lowering foods >>>last year!<<<.” I think that would be pretty scary, don’t you? Triglycerides are associated with risk of heart attacks and strokes. You’d feel better if you knew what to do about … Read more

Does Cutting Carbs Help You Lose Weight

mac n cheese dish

Does Cutting Carbs Help You Lose Weight In this article you can read about the question of why does cutting carbs help you lose weight. The entire No Nonsense Ted lifestyle plan is about cutting carbohydrates to help you fix metabolic syndrome and return to fat burning for energy. This page contains affiliate marketing links. … Read more

How To Get Rid Of The Weight

smiling newborn baby

How To Get Rid Of The Weight Peter Hilford wrote this helpful article in 2008. It’s material is still true. The reason I selected it to share with you here is because you can take everything in it and just “add Ted and stir” for a healthy guide for how to get rid of the … Read more

The Food Lovers Diet Meal Plan

garlic and parsley shrimp

The Food Lovers Diet Meal Plan What is the main failing of the Food Lovers Diet Meal Plan? How does it compare to the No Nonsense Ted diet system (click to view)? AL Source of featured image. First, bear in mind that the purpose of the Ted system is to restore metabolic syndrome.   This … Read more

How To Turn White Fat To Brown Fat

lower belly fat and exercise pictures

How To Turn White Fat To Brown Fat Have you ever wondered how to burn off fat more easily? The topic of how to turn white fat to brown fat has been around for a while, yet most of the folks I’ve mentioned this to haven’t heard about it. Source of above image. This page … Read more

Low Carbs And Weight Loss


Low Carbs And Weight Loss Low carbs and weight loss is not a new concept. On the other hand, it is a well established fat burning method of losing weight. Source of image above. Claul Hylian wrote the following article “Exploring Low Carb Meals and Their Impact on Weight Loss” in 2005. This page contains … Read more

Eat Fats For Weight Loss

butter balls with cinnamon in mason jar

Eat Fats For Weight Loss For decades, doctors warned people not to eat saturated fats, never mind try to eat fats for weight loss. But now we understand that there are high quality fats we can eat and be healthy and lose weight too. Source of top image. If you’re ready to begin a delicious … Read more

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