smiling newborn baby

How To Get Rid Of The Weight


How To Get Rid Of The Weight

Peter Hilford wrote this helpful article in 2008. It’s material is still true. The reason I selected it to share with you here is because you can take everything in it and just “add Ted and stir” for a healthy guide for how to get rid of the weight.

Source of image above.

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Are you ready to start a wholesome diet with meal plans and recipes to support breast feeding, sleeping well and having the energy to tote that new baby around?


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How to Get Rid of Baby Weight Safely

New mothers all over the country want to know how to get rid of baby weight safely. By “baby weight,” we’re talking about the weight that all new mothers gain during the course of pregnancy.

While the extra weight is meant to only be temporary, it often stays with new moms for a long while after they give birth. This can be troublesome for the mom, especially if her career requires a trim figure.

before and after fat/thin woman's picture

In any case, new moms would appreciate it if they could get rid of baby weight as quickly as possible.

Celebrity moms seem to be really good at getting rid of baby weight. After only a few weeks after giving birth, celebrity moms like Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie, and Jennifer Lopez appear on magazine covers looking as though they’ve been single all their lives.

It’s no wonder, then, why so many moms wonder how they managed to lose all that baby weight so easily.”

Get Slim With No Gym

“That’s easy – these celebrity moms have dietitians, trainers, and can afford the guidance of medical experts who know how to get rid of baby weight safely and quickly.

Besides, with millions of dollars to be made out there, celebrity moms

lady with six pack abs and plank poster

naturally don’t want to sit around idling, waiting for the baby weight to get rid of itself.

They invest in strict diets, home gyms, and personal trainers – costing them tens of thousands of dollars.

Thankfully, you don’t have to spend that much money to get rid of baby weight. You can get back to your trim figure by remembering a few guidelines.

The best part about all of this is that you don’t have to spend much time away from your baby. (Yup, you don’t need to go to the gym at all.)

Eat healthy.

You may have to check with your doctor first, but substituting some of the

food you eat with healthier alternatives can help get rid of baby weight faster. That means more fish, fruit, whole grains, and veggies, and less soda, junk food, and sugary desserts. “

The No Nonsense Ted diet plan excludes grains and fruits. This is because it is a “no white foods” diet –  Get details HERE – and teaches you how to get optimum nutrition with the low carbohydrate, high protein, and not exclusive of healthy fats and oils.

Perfect for your baby too! Now back to Peter’s article:

“But make sure you don’t go hungry – breastfeeding needs you to consume around 500 more calories each day.”

Best Ab Exercises Without Equipment

The No Nonsense Ted package includes careful video instruction so that you can do your best home workout without equipment.

Do some very careful exercise at the home.

Remember that the only way to get rid of baby weight (and all other kinds of

reduce gut fat poster with exercises

extra weight) is to either lower the number of calories you take in each day, or burn them up through a regular exercise regimen.

In fact, do both – the results stack up exponentially. As mentioned before, you don’t need to go to a gym – simply carrying a 10-pound baby around for most of the day is good enough exercise.

Plus, you do it even on weekends! Add that to the list of chores you need to do for your baby, and you’ll get rid of your baby weight steadily.

Keep your energy levels up.

Making sure you can last through the 3 A.M. feedings needs a lot of energy, so don’t burn out trying to get rid of baby weight too quickly. It usually takes your body to take around 3 to 6 months to return to normal after giving birth, and this is around the same time it takes for you to get used to taking care of your little bundle of joy. Concentrate on taking care of your baby, and the pounds will come off on their own.

Celebrity moms may be able to get rid of all that baby weight (and more) in a matter of weeks, but I doubt you’ll need to get rid of yours that quickly.

Remember that your baby needs you, so you owe it to him to take care of him first. Don’t worry – when you do the right thing, good stuff has a way of happening.”

Article Source:

How To Get Rid Of The Beer Belly

Dads often need to lose weight after a pregnancy. Have you noticed how some men actually get a belly, almost like a beer belly, when the wife is pregnant? Sympathetic waist expansion, or eating for two along with her? It’s understandable!

Here is an excellent article for dads, and how dieting and exercising with her can help your post pregnancy wives get rid of the weight and not be hungry!

Lose Belly Fat Diet – How to Get Rid of Stomach Weight Fast by Justin Cotter

“If you think you can just go on a lose belly fat diet and expect to keep weight permanently off you have been mistaken. The only way to keep weight off is to change your lifestyle.

Do not get me wrong, you will lose weight quick after beginning the change of your eating lifestyle. You should not let this fool you though because if you like the way you look after eating right for two weeks and then go back to your old habits, your weight will mostly likely pop right back out of your stomach.

Losing weight is not easy. You need to come to reason with yourself and realize that the reason why you want to lose weight is because of your lifestyle and what you have been eating.

Obviously, if you are a big person you must have continuously made the wrong choices about what you are eating. In order to get on the fast track to losing weight in your stomach it is important to change your diet not only for the time being, but for a life time.”


Yes – weight loss for life! That’s the expertise of Ted’s system. CLICK here to see it now.


“If you are not aware of this already it is essential to stay away from deep fried foods. No more fries, onion rings, donuts, or bagels. Also it is important to stay away from everything at fast food restaurants unless you are getting a salad.

Even then, when you order a salad, be careful of the amount of fattening dressing you put on it. A salad at a fast food restaurant could be worse for you then a normal meal at one if it is drenched with dressing.”

One thing I really like about this article is that the author is helping you get

how to get rid of the beer belly
He looks like Ted! source.

an organized start! Most of us can get rid of a lot of old spices, bread crumbs and prepared sauces with unhealthy fats and sugars in them. Always read labels!

“To start this lifestyle change you are going to need to clean out the shelves in your kitchen of all the unhealthy junk you have in it and start putting some healthy food in its place. It is essential to a healthy diet to cook for yourself often. People get fat because they are lazy and do not cook for themselves.

Fill your kitchen with healthy foods. What you are looking for are foods with high amounts of protein and fiber. Protein helps burn fat while also preserving the muscle tissue in your body while fiber helps your metabolism stay at a good level.

So since you know what to stay away from and what to look for at the grocery store while going shopping there is no reason why you should not try to get the extra belly fat off. All it takes is some action and consistency and the sky is the limit.”

Article Source:

Here is a short video showing a three minute ab workout.

I hope this is encouraging and helpful to new parents! To your health.


CLICK HERE to get The No Nonsense Ted Belly Fat Melt Diet Plan.


It will should you how to get rid of the weight!

If you have any questions or anything to share don’t hesitate to write to me in the comment area below!


4 thoughts on “How To Get Rid Of The Weight”

  1. Interesting read, I think it is very easy for most to stay in their comfort zone when it comes to eating the same unhealthy stuff.

    It is good to know that there are systems out there which were created to help anyone that is looking to get in shape. I personally have not used any weight loss system before but I could see Ted’s System being a good method.

    My question is, how many calories do you recommend reducing to others that are trying to lose weight? Also, how often would you recommend others exercising?

    • Hi Arie and thanks for your input here. Firstly, this diet system isn’t calorie count based, but is designed to restore damaged metabolism. Eliminating the “white foods” (…   ) causes the body to start burning fat for fuel, instead of carbohydrates or any form of sugar.

      I do know people who have used this diet to lose weight (about 55 lbs in 3-4 months) with no exercise. But if a person can, I think daily exercise is necessary for your best health. So the basis of this package is the diet plan, meal plans and recipes, yet good exercise instruction is included.

  2. Impressing article for mom’s to get rid of that weight after pregnancy, it is true many women struggle after giving birth to their baby to get their figure back again.

    Great tips and helpful resources for women to get their figures back after pregnancy, I am sure many women will be thanking you for this article many times over and over again.

    • Thanks for your feedback here Jeffrey! It can be daunting for women to take care of themselves at all while raising a baby through its newborn weeks and months. No time, no sleep…the list is long! The fabulous thing about no nonsense ted’s belly fat melt diet is that it is nutritious for mom and baby and will also help with hormone balance and mood enhancement because of the omega 3 oils.


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