The Belly Fat Loss Diet Plan
Everyone wants to score with the best belly fat loss diet plan. Of course! Ever wonder how to find a good one?
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If you find a healthy, convenient, delicious diet plan that burns fat anywhere on your body, you have found a treasure.
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If you’re ready to get one now, I’m going to help you save time and energy in your hunt by recommending that you
CLICK HERE to find out about The No Nonsense Ted diet plan
today. AL
Or read on for more details.
I found some articles by experts recently and I want to share them with you. All the information in them is pertinent today. Emphasis throughout is mine.
“Diet Options To Melt Belly Fat Fast
You can melt belly fat with a few diet options I’m about to share with you. Nothing hard, nothing scary. You will be required to make a few minor changes, but other than that, nothing will really change… EXCEPT YOUR BODY.
These are some amazing diet secrets that are powerful, even though they’re quite simplistic. Take a few moments now to read all of this article to learn how to lose weight faster.
Diet Options to Melt Belly Fat Fast
1. Use low calorie yogurts, apples, and salads
What I want you to take from this tip is to focus on the little things when it comes to good dietary habits. You can use any of those 3 things as a snack, but you can also begin your meals with them as well.
Either way helps with weight loss.
The yogurts provide good protein. The apples provide fiber. The salads

provide bulk. As you can see, you’re still allowed to eat the foods you normally do. But you see, here’s the thing… you’ll be eating less of them at your meals because of the yogurts, apples, and salads.”
(Me here. One exception is that Ted’s system excludes fruit. You can still get fiber from veggies and salads. Here is an article that explains why you want to cut out fruits for a true fat loss diet plan.)
“2. Stop drinking your calories
Ok, you love sugary drinks. Hey, I totally get it. I do too. But you know what, I don’t drink them anymore. I’m going to share with you the secret way I managed to stop drinking them in under a week. I drank water with 2 packets of the natural sugar substitute, Stevia.
This gave me the sweet taste I crave while still being able to avoid unnatural man-made sugar substitutes and sugar. I can’t recommend Stevia enough. Go get some tomorrow!”
(Me again. I love Stevia! I get the Sweet Leaf organic drops (which means I’m not ingesting solvents that leave that creepy aftertaste on a daily basis). You

can find some flavor options HERE. Back to Jennifer:
“Look, these are just 2 small diet options that help to melt belly fat fast. Use them and you’ll start seeing the results shortly.
If you’re SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice… you know, like “Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah”, then…”
The author, Jennifer Jolan adds a website reference, and it is now off line.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1660055
Here is another diet tip from Dr. Becky Gillaspy.
“Melt Belly Fat Fast
Fat making is something your body does when it is given an overabundance of food and it cannot use all of these foods for immediate energy. In fact, fat is more properly referred to as “stored energy”.
What you want to do is enjoy eating all types of foods but learn to eat them at times of the day when your body needs them so they can be immediately burned for energy and do not need to be stored as fat.
The way to do this is to time your nutrient intake and when we are looking at making our body a better fat burning machine the nutrient we want to focus on is carbohydrate.
Carbs are energy foods and therefore they should be eaten at times when your body is in need of energy. It is your body’s natural rhythm to need more energy in the morning and early afternoon because at this time your metabolism is on the rise. This is the perfect time to feed your body carbohydrates.
In contrast, your body’s natural energy needs (and metabolism) tend to decline as you move closer to the evening hours and because of this the your body will take those same carbs and turn them into stored energy/fat and since the belly is the easiest place to lay down the fat (especially in men as well as women after menopause) much of that fat gets stored in your waist.
Do you want to melt belly fat fast? Then use nutritional timing and work with your body, you will see the results quickly.”
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3308979
How Do I Get Rid Of Visceral Fat
Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE has some good tips about how to get rid of extra visceral, or belly fat. This is important, as belly fat can be life threatening.
A snippet: “Belly fat is more than just a nuisance that makes your clothes feel tight.
Fat inside the belly area is also termed visceral fat, and it is seriously harmful.
This type of fat is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and heart disease, to name a few.
Many health organizations use BMI (body mass index) to classify weight and predict the risk of metabolic disease. However, this is misleading.”

Here is a short video by a doctor that explains how the right fats reverse your damaged metabolism as well as reverse a fatty liver.
Ted’s complete article is HERE. Ted himself had a huge belly (visceral) fat problem which led him to create his system.
His diet/lifestyle program works because he curated all the best legacy information and current information about losing visceral belly fat.
CLICK HERE to get the benefits of Ted’s diet plan and start losing visceral fat.
Ted is so confident about his system that he guarantees your money back if you truly can’t find anything to use from it. I’m sure that’s appreciated, don’t you think?

The one thing that made the biggest difference in weight loss for me is diet. I’ve always been active and exercised a lot but once I switched to a diet rich in whole foods and plants, I lost weight effortlessly. I’ve also heard time restricted eating can be helpful. Like you only eat between 9-10 hours in the day, so for example between 9 and 6. Have you heard of or tried this method before?
Hi Katie. Yes I have heard of this.I first read about it on Dr.Joseph Mercola’s site. He calls it Intermittent Fasting. I startedto do that and have pretty well kept up the habit.
I think dieting is the crux of weight control.
Thanks for leaving your comment here!
Hello there! I’m a filipino and everytime I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner I always have white rice. I’ve been working out to the gym for like 5 months now and I noticed that my belly fat doesn’t go away. I wanna get rid of it but I don’t know how to do it. Luckily, I found your article that talks about losing my belly fat through diet plan. But I have a question, do you think white rice has something to do with my belly fat? I really appreciate your response.
Hi John – thanks for visiting my site! The best way to answer that question is for you to stop eating rice for a couple of weeks, or as long as it takes to make a difference. Don’t go hungry- you should eat enough proteins and vegetables! Other carbs such as noodles, potatoes, and carrots can contribute to body fat too. The point of the No Nonsense Ted diet is to reverse damaged metabolism, so it can take time to get the body switched to fat burning. Do you think you will try this?