High Protein Low Carb Diet Menus
High protein low carb diet menus are provided for you on the No Nonsense Ted weight loss/meal plans/recipes and exercise package.
Source of image above.
A quick review of this for life, lifestyle diet is here at No White Food Diet Recipes.
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Simon Edwards explains the concept below.
“What are the Benefits of the Low-carb Diet?
Are you one of those who hate dieting? Well, you are not alone, almost all of us hate the deprivation from food that dieting brings to us. Aside from the fact that our parents raise us to believe that food intake is necessary to keep us energetic, especially carbohydrates.
Potatoes and breads are the essential members of our diet from morning, noon and night. Therefore, we resent the idea that carbohydrates are not good for us.
However, your thinking might change upon reading the low-carb diet overview. In the lower-carb diet overview, you will learn that energy does not come from carbohydrates alone.
Low-carbohydrate diet overview will also tell you that good fats convert to energy

much like carbohydrates, as we know it to be. Lower-carb diet overview will likewise tell you about the recommended carbohydrates like whole grain, fruits and vegetables.
However, you should minimize intake of carbohydrates to as low as 10% of your total calorie intake. If you can maintain your consumption of carbohydrates to as low as 10% of your calorie intake, you should eat more fats and moderate protein.
Then, the low-carbohydrate diet overview will be the best tool to compliment your weight loss regimen and avoid jumping on the obese bandwagon.”
The Sustainable Weight Loss Diet
Simon continues to explain:
“The lower-carb diet overview will explain how you can best manage your weight. In contrast with the belief that carbohydrates are necessary to build your energy profile, fat may replace carbohydrates in this arena.
You will also learn from the low-carb diet overview that it is the best diet for obese individuals.
Diabetics may also use the low-carbohydrate diet overview to combat the cause of obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia and type II diabetes because studies show that lower-carb diet attacks the condition called hyperinsulinemia.
Hyperinsulinemia is a condition where insulin levels in the blood are elevated.
It may also be helpful knowledge you will get from low-carb diet overview is the advantages one will get from low-carbohydrate diet. Sustained weight loss is one advantage of lower-carb diet.
Another advantage you will learn from low-carb diet overview and low-card dieting is stable blood sugar, this is specifically important for diabetics and those people prone to diabetes.
If you have a relative who is a diabetic, then you are one of those people prone to diabetes. Low cholesterol level is also an advantage of low-carb dieting.
Some low-card dieters also report being more energetic than their counterparts who are not dieting.”
Recommended Carbohydrate Intake Per Day
“Finally, here are some basic guidelines you will get from the low-carb diet

overview. You should limit your carbohydrates intake to 10% or less of your total calorie intake.
You will also find the list of allowed foods, you will also find the list of foods to avoid and foods with hidden sugar in the low-carbohydrate diet overview.
Avoiding food containing sugar and white flour is also part of the lower carb diet. Avoiding caffeine and drinking lots of clean and clear water also help in the dieting process.
Taking fiber supplements and vitamin will help during the initial stage of low-carb dieting, you will understand this need better upon reading the low-carb diet overview.
Low-carbohydrate dieting is good for everyone who wants to loose weight, so try it to experience a trim lifestyle. However, when you finally decide to try it, after reading the lower-carb diet overview, visit your health care professional just to be sure that low-carb dieting is really, what you need.
For free advice, tips and education about weight loss, fitness and dieting visit Weight Loss Information [http://www.effective-weight-lossdotinfo] at [http://www.effective-weight-lossdotinfo]”
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/52831
That article was written in 2005 but its principles are true to this day. Those principles are revived in the No Nonsense Ted system, and updated for your benefit.
The coolest thing is, with the meal plans and recipes, there is no learning curve to grapple with. You just do it!
Get started now with high protein low carb diet menus from Ted.